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Nest surveillance: a new video from the project LIFE ConRaSi

9 Jul 2017News (English)

T he illegal collection of eggs and nestlings is one of the major threats affecting the raptor species in Sicily, as in the case of Bonelli’s Eagle and Lanner Falcon. Through a continous surveillance of the nesting sites the project LIFE ConRaSi intends to halt this phenomenon and allow the birds to complete the breeding cycle, preventing any human disturbance.

A new short video explains how the surveillance is carried out (English captions are available)

The video has been made by Marco Andreini and Alessandro Di Federico within action E.1 of the project.

Il progetto LIFE14 NAT/IT/1017 ConRaSi è realizzato nell’ambito del programma LIFE dell’Unione Europea.
Dipartimento Regionale Sviluppo rurale e Territoriale - Regione SicilianaDipartimento Regionale Territorio e Ambiente - Regione Sicilianalogo-GREFAlogo-WWFlogo-natura2000logo-programma-LIFE

Il progetto LIFE ConRaSI è realizzato nell’ambito del programma LIFE dell’Unione Europea.

Regione SicilianaLogo Dipartimento Territorio e Ambiente Regione Siciliana
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