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Networking with the University of Valencia

17 Sep 2016News (English)

eagle monitoring

The project team during the monitoring with Dr. López-López (first on the right).

During the fist week of August the project was visited by Dr. Pascual López-López, of the University of Valencia (Spain), Dr. López-López has a long experience in monitoring and studying several raptor species in Spain and abroad.


He spent three days in the field in North-Western Sicily, to assess the habitat types where the Bonelli’s eagle occur. The monitoring of the Bonelli’s eagle, Egyptian Vulture and Lanner Falcon continues and the first results will become available in fall.

We look forward to extending the collaboration with Dr. López-López in the next months.

Little owl

During the observations we spotted a little owl (Athene noctua) very close to an eagle’s nest (photo by P. López-López).

Il progetto LIFE14 NAT/IT/1017 ConRaSi è realizzato nell’ambito del programma LIFE dell’Unione Europea.

Dipartimento Regionale Sviluppo rurale e Territoriale - Regione SicilianaDipartimento Regionale Territorio e Ambiente - Regione Sicilianalogo-GREFAlogo-WWFlogo-natura2000logo-programma-LIFE

Il progetto LIFE ConRaSI è realizzato nell’ambito del programma LIFE dell’Unione Europea.

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